The Catholic Marriage Summit All Access Pass
If you are...
- Excited about making the good parts of your marriage great...
- Committed to making the weak parts strong...
- And open to renewing all the things in between…
You CAN get the marriage you want from the marriage you have.
*Great for engaged couples or those discerning marriage, too!
The 2020 Catholic Marriage Summit was an unprecedented event hosted by Joyful Ever After and featuring timeless expert presentations.
Get LIFETIME Access!
You'll gain lifetime access to over 24 hours of presentations from the Catholic Marriage Summit including Audio mp3 downloads.
With lifetime access to over 70 presentations you will be able to watch or listen on-the-go and on your schedule. With over 24 hours of content, this is a resource library that will last.

Recordings of all eleven Summit LIVE Events
Each of the 11 live sessions with Damon and Melanie Owens dive deep into core issues impacting marriages.
The Stefanicks, Wests, Sris, Angels, Beans, Popcaks, Dr. Bob Schuchts, Donaghys, Donovans
Couple's 30-Day Challenge Journal
The Challenge Journal provides the key insights from core Summit themes and presents them in an organized and intentional challenge for you as a couple. It’s a self-guided recharge for your marriage!

The 7-Session Marriage Intensive
"The Marriage Intensive" is a masterclass with top experts.
No matter where your marriage is right now, the Marriage Intensive is designed to help make the good parts great, the weak parts stronger, and get you communicating about important things in between. You’ll get important insight, practical advice, and be challenged each lesson to examine a fundamental aspect of your marriage.
Couples Dream Template
A couple that dreams together, grows closer together! This powerful template will walk you through a step-by-step process to break free from the self-imposed limitations you've placed on yourselves as a couple and as a family, and help you dream big, together!

PLUS! Bonus Presentations & Downloads
You'll gain access to exclusive presentations, worksheets, templates, and more!
To purchase the All Access Pass as a gift, please click here.
Money-Back Guarantee
If for any reason within 7 days you're not satisfied with your purchase, we'll refund 100% of your purchase price.